South Run 2023

Nov 15th - 18th, 2023 | 20 Cars | 4 Days | 5 Destinations | Driving, Diving and Hiking

South Run 2023

A joyful ride around the southern side of the Kingdom where nature meets the essence of man’s finest engineered machines fueled by the human’s instinct to go faster and explore new horizons of Saudi Arabia to embrace the message of local tourism for both the public and the participants.


The trip focuses on more than just driving, As the companions of the participants will also be involved in the journey.
They’ll be fulfilling an essential route-finding task by using the road book

Route Distance

Total of 700 KMs Approx. Curating a unique driving experience and promoting road safety.

Local Tourism

Total of 5 Locations to visit. Promoting local tourism through multiple social media channels.


20 cars of pure driving enthusiasts


Driving, Diving and Hiking